Here’s a great jazz guitar lesson covering how to solo over a II-V-I progression.

In this video they take you through playing the progression, and then explain the theory behind the notes. This is important because it teaches you how to solo over chords, so next time you’re in a solo situation, you’ll be able to improvise more confidently.

Jazz Guitar Licks – Part 1 presents… Here’s how to get more material into your playing without having to memorize lick after lick… The three jazz guitar licks in this video constitute a basis for the vast majority of jazz lines in history. They’re the foundation to most of the music … from Bach to Tom Harrell (no kidding!) Learn those easy II-VI licks so you can create thousands of your own and make sense out of your favorite jazz licks and solos on recordings. Also, make sure you check out Connecting Chords with Linear Harmony here This is, in my humble opinion, the quickest way to learn and understand the language of jazz… word by word! See you on Thanks for watching.
Jazz Guitar Licks Video Rating: 5 / 5